How To Appear Offline On Whatsapp

how to appear offline on whatsapp

If you have a smartphone and are wondering how to appear offline on whatsapp, you have several options. One such way is to untick your recent tasks or clear your recent task history. Alternatively, you can use the GBWhatsApp app, which will hide your last-seen status, name and profile status from other users. Here are a few steps to follow. The first step is to open the Whatsapp app, then tap the gear-shaped settings icon. From here, choose the privacy settings option. From there, you can turn off read receipts and select "nobody" as your last profile photo. After you've done this, you're ready to go.

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GBWhatsApp allows you to hide your online status from others

GBWhatsApp's Last Seen status is a major privacy concern for many people. There is a simple way to hide your last seen status without deleting all of your conversation history and contacts. Disabling the Last Seen status will prevent your contacts from seeing your online status, profile picture, and stories. To disable the Last Seen status, simply open the chat tab and tap the three-dot menu. From there, tap the privacy option and choose the "Hide online status" option.

If you're looking for a simple way to hide your last seen status on GBWhatsApp, you can download the APK from the App Store and install it onto your phone. Once installed, register with your phone number and enter your one-time password. Once you've completed your registration, go to your GBWhatsApp account and select the option to hide your online status.

It doesn't display your last seen status

It's possible that you may not know how to view other people's last seen statuses on WhatsApp. A user posted an email from WhatsApp support describing a new feature. The email states that people do not realize that you cannot view their last seen status, but it can help you find out who's online and who's not. But first, let's talk about why this feature is useful.

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In the Settings menu, choose "My Contacts." This option allows you to set whether or not your Last Seen is visible to the general public. You can also set your Last Seen to only be displayed to those in your contact list. If you don't want everyone to see it, you can choose to hide your profile photo and about from the public view. You can also set Last Seen to only display to people in your contact list.

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It doesn't show your name

To appear offline on WhatsApp without showing your name, the first thing you need to do is go to the settings option of the app. This is located on the bottom-right corner of your mobile screen. Look for the icon of a green key and click on it. From there, you can change the privacy settings of your account. Then, tap on the "Privacy" tab. After this, tap on "Hide my name."

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If you don't want your name to be shown to people on WhatsApp, you can choose "Nobody" for your status. By doing this, you will not show your name and address to those you've added to your contact list. This will prevent other users from knowing that you're online or offline. You can even hide your WhatsApp name by deleting your account. The good news is that WhatsApp supports this feature.

It doesn't show your profile status

You might want to know how to appear offline on WhatsApp without showing your profile status. There are several reasons why you might want to hide your online status on WhatsApp. For instance, sometimes you don't want to receive messages from someone who thinks you're offline when you are actually online. Here's how to accomplish this. Changing your privacy settings in WhatsApp may not be enough. You might want to try hiding your online status through an extension.

To change your profile status, go to the settings menu on WhatsApp. Select the "Accounts" icon in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. Next, tap the three dots icon. This will take you to your account settings. Scroll down until you see a green key and select Accounts. You may need to select the "Offline" option again. You can also remove your profile picture or set it to blank to appear offline.

It doesn't show your texts

One of the best ways to remain invisible while chatting on WhatsApp is to disable the 'online' status. By doing so, your contacts will never know when you're online. The following tips will help you achieve this. You can also disable the message-read status, which tells your contacts when you're online and offline. Listed below are some other ways to stay hidden from your contacts on WhatsApp.

First, open the WhatsApp messenger on your mobile device. Look for the green and white border icon. Tap it and then select settings. In the bottom right corner of your screen, tap on the Account icon. From there, you can change your privacy settings. Click on the "Edit Account Information" option to change your settings. Make sure you choose a private status for your WhatsApp messages. It will prevent anyone from seeing your messages and will also allow people to send you a message even if they're offline.

It doesn't show your Outgoing Chat Messages

The first thing you have to know is that it's possible to change WhatsApp's settings so that it doesn't display the "online" tag when you're offline. However, you have to do so as a beta user of the service. This is because WhatsApp does not maintain a log of who visited your profile, which makes this a difficult option to enable if you're offline.

Another option is to use the "We're offline" feature. This feature tells your contacts when you're available to talk to them. It can be frustrating to leave conversations unfinished when you're offline. However, there are a few ways to hide the "Online" status, including disabling the 'Read' status or clearing your cache and data.

Thanks for reading, for more updates and blog posts about how to appear offline on whatsapp do check our site - Busrecords We try to write our site bi-weekly

How To Get Rid Of Mice With Ease

how to get rid of mice

Are you looking for some good tips on how to get rid of mice? Maybe your house has been invaded by mice and you are now looking for a solution to get rid of this menace. In order to find one, you should first know what these creatures are and their behavior so that you know how to best deal with them. With that in mind, read the following information on how to get rid of mice.


You will probably notice that mice tend to be quite adept at hiding and moving around. They are also adept at getting into places that humans cannot easily access. For example, when you have a small child in the house, they will probably spend most of their time out of doors and climbing onto your couch or bed. These things are all possible signs of mice activity and if you have not seen any in the last few days then it is probably a good idea to use a rodent trap. The first thing that you need to do is clean the rodent trap.


This is an obvious point but it is still worth stressing. Most rodents are not wild animals and do not like being trapped because of the fact that they feel trapped. The fact that these rodents are only mildly inconvenienced by being trapped can easily make the decision to get rid of them an easy one.

How to Get Rid of Mice With Ease


It is very important that you clean the trap properly after you catch your mice. This means removing all of their hair, fur and scent so they are unable to use the tunnels to reenter your home. If you catch one of these rodents in an unguarded place, you may find that they have built a nest or burrow under your decking, wall or even your plants. They will be very difficult to find once they have established their nests and burrows because they will be tiny holes in the ground or wall.

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The next thing that you need to do is make sure that the area where they are hiding has been thoroughly cleaned from any waste materials that they have left behind. The reason that this is important is because the smell from these waste materials will attract other mice. Another thing that you need to keep in mind when thinking about how to get rid of mice is that if the place is not completely empty, there are probably many other rodents in the area. You want to first try and identify the source of the smell to ensure that you have not attracted mice that do not have a common source of scent. For instance, musk deer and skunks do not share the scent of a rat.

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After you have done your cleaning, you will need to start thinking about how to get rid of mouse infestation using a device known as a rodent bomb. This device is designed to kill off as many of the mice in the home as possible. The device uses a special odorless liquid to kill off the rodents that are in your house. The smell from the device is non-toxic and will not harm any live or dead rodents.

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In order to ensure that your home is safe and secure, you will also need to purchase some items that will help deter the mice from getting into your pet food. Since mice will often times find their way into pet food, you will want to buy some products that will keep them away. You can buy mice deterrent sprays and repellents that you can spray on your doors, furniture, windows, walls, etc. These products will serve as an extra safeguard for your home and your pets.


Finally, you will want to make sure that you seal up any areas that the mice may enter into. Some common areas where rodents enter into homes include: chimney cracks, vents, cracks in drywall, insulation material, downspouts, and leaky plumbing pipes. You should be especially worried about mice entering your attic, crawl space, or garage since these are very common areas for the mice to enter. By sealing these areas off from the outside, you will be able to effectively control the mice infestation.

Thanks for reading, for more updates and articles about how to get rid of mice don't miss our homepage - Busrecords We try to update our blog every week

How To Stop Auto Clicker - Get Rid Of Those Barking Dogs Today!

how to stop auto clicker

Almost all of those who have used this clicking device want to learn how to stop auto clicker as soon as possible. This is so they can free their hands from it and do other things instead. The question though is how to do it. All you need is just to take the time to understand how exactly does an auto Clickerer works and how to properly use it in such a way that it does not aggravate you and make you mad at all.


There are some useful tips online that you can follow, most of them will play around with various auto clicking devices that you might be using right now, but most recommend you checking out this particular product online. What this program offers is an option that will allow you to train your dog how to stop auto clicking in just a matter of minutes. You will be able to do this by pairing the clicking sound with a pleasant sound like a squirrel or dog barking. Soon enough, you dog will be able to associate the sound with whatever else he does without you having to click the device again.


Of course, if you are one who has problems with your neighbors or those around you, this is also a great option for you. It can help you get rid of those annoying and bothersome noises without ever having to hurt anyone else. If you have never learned how to stop auto clicking before, you should look into this particular method to finally put an end to all your problems. It will work wonders for all of you.

How To Stop Auto Clicker - Get Rid Of Those Barking Dogs Today!


However, you should understand one thing right away. Before you do anything, you should first make sure that your neighbors do not mind that you are using the device. We have all experienced getting complaints when we don't do what we are told to do, and this is the same case when you want to learn how to stop auto clicking. Some people may not like it, so you need to be prepared. This is especially true if you have young children around.

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Now that you have taken care of the issue of the noisemakers, you can now move on to learning how to stop auto clicking. The next thing that you should do is find an electronic clicking device that works well for you. There are many different ones that are available on the market, so be sure to check them out. There are many that will let you know what your dog is doing, and how to stop auto clicking when they are barking.

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Do your best to keep the clicking device as hidden as possible. If you have a small dog, this isn't going to be a problem. However, if you own a large dog, this can become a problem. When the dog starts to whine, the device will emit a very loud click. You may think that this is going to stop the dog, but this is never true. Instead, the dog is going to get scared, and that is how he/she ends up ruining your carpet with all those scratches and fleas.

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Another way to stop auto clicking is to try to get your dog to stop barking altogether. This is actually easier said than done. If you have a dog that barks constantly, then you will most likely have a hard time getting them to stop barking. However, there are a lot of training techniques that will work for your purposes.


If none of the above methods work, then you may need to consult a professional trainer in order to figure out how to stop auto clicking in your dog. While it is certainly possible to teach your dog how to stop barking, it is much more difficult to train them to stop loving you. However, there are plenty of options that will allow you to find out how to stop auto clicking in your dog. No matter what it is that you end up doing though, always keep the purpose of training in mind as you go.

Thanks for checking this article, for more updates and blog posts about how to stop auto clicker don't miss our homepage - Busrecords We try to update the blog bi-weekly

Arcor Router Login - Change Your Router'S Password

arcor router login

Arcor (AIR) routers are known as the perfect method to give your office the required connectivity and make it accessible at different locations throughout the world. In order to get the best in technology, choose Arcor and make your life easier. Connectivity in the modern day life has become very important and what better way than using the Arcor Router.

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Before you start, make sure you have an air router user's account so that you can log into it easily from any location. This is the most important step in the whole process. You need to know about the different types of plans available and their features. You also have to know about the operating agreement. This is the binding agreement, you have to follow while using the arrow router.


Once you are done with the aforementioned task, log into the router settings. You have to make sure that the username and password you use are given to you after registration. If you have forgotten to change the username and password, use the "change username" function to create a new one. This will automatically assign a user name and a password to ensure that no one else will be able to access your wireless network.

Arcor Router login - Change Your Router's Password


Now log into the default username and password by typing them in the provided boxes. Use your primary email address that is listed in your Arcor user profile for login. Your router will give you a confirmation message that the change has been made. It is better to check the results of this change before continuing.


The next step is to set up your desired access type. Basically there are three types available in the list and they are: 'any' username, 'owner' user name and 'auto.' Any username will give you full access to your network. It is recommended for users who don't want to use their real name. However, the auto-user account type is ideal for people who want to protect their real names on the network but still access other devices from their laptops or desktops.


After setting up the various options, access the wireless network you are going to use. You can either connect the modem to the wireless network or connect the router to a wireless access point on the LAN. Find the default username and enter it when prompted. Follow the prompts and enter the same details for password and user id. Save all these details for finalizing the login.


When the router is turned on, go to 'Network settings' tab. You will see the option for 'Wireless Internet Connection' in the drop-down list. Click on this option and follow the prompts.


Finally, you can set the default username and password for the router by clicking on 'Router setup'. Use your new user name and password to log into the arcor interface. If everything was configured correctly, you should see a page with a login enabled on the left pane of the webpage. Now, you can log in to your arcor with any user name and password you wish.


For some users, setting up an arcor-mail login is a tedious process that involves too many steps. If you are one of such people, you can easily configure your router settings so that it offers the easiest login process possible. This is done by changing the default username and password for the router. You need to do this after you have rebooted the computer or entered administrator mode.


You can change the default username and password by clicking on'Router Settings' icon on the main menu of your router. Here, you will be able to see the different icons of different purposes. These include port, SSID, DNS server, email, forwarding, password, etc. If you want to change the default username and password of your router, click on one of these icons. The router settings will be updated and the new settings will be applied.


Changing the default username and password of your router is also simple. However, if you feel very adventurous, you can use the command line tool for changing the user id and password. You need to visit 'nethelp' in your web browser and type the following command: setpwsid=%h%H% HTTP/1.0 service/users/%h%H% login |username | password} This will be displayed as: setpwsid=%h%H%H% HTTP/1.0 service/users/%h%H% login. This command will change the user name and password of the account. The new name and password will be used when you log in to your account. In addition to that, there is also the option of changing your default username and password through the 'Change User ID' page of the 'router admin' interface. This feature allows you to automatically assign a new user name and password whenever you log in to your online fax account.

Thanks for reading, for more updates and blog posts about arcor router login do check our blog - Busrecords We try to write our blog every day

How To Stream League Of Legends On Your Pc

how to stream league of legends

how to stream league of legends is very important because it will determine your success in this game. If you are new in this game, you may still be asking how to stream it. You need to know the rules in order to have fun. There are some tips in this article that will help you learn how to stream this game. Read on to find out more.

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League of Legends is a free lightweight game which makes it easy for you to stream it. However, this online game also has some limits of its streaming commands, which means that there shouldn't be too much graphics or FPS. Too much graphics and FPS will slow down the playing scene, especially if it will be streaming on a large screen.


When you want to start streaming the League of Legends, the first thing that you should do is to go to the main page of the game site. You should go to the "ournaments" or "Invitations" page. There, you can click on the button named "ournaments" or" invite". When you click on this button, a new page will pop out in front of you.

How To Stream League Of Legends On Your PC


Here, you can see some guidelines on how to stream League of Legends. One thing that you need to remember is that the bandwidth that you will be using must be at a level that is acceptable. If the bandwidth usage is too high, the streaming will take a long time. So, if you use less bandwidth, then it will take a longer time to stream the video games. You can also test out different levels in this page.

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Another thing that you need to know about streaming is about the different options that you have. In this page, you can see the different options that you have to change the quality of the videos. If you want to increase the quality, all you have to do is to click on the "quality" icon on the left side of the panel. You can also open the "video game editors" tab if you want to be able to create your own video game scenes. Just make sure that you are not changing any setting or option that is critical for the smooth operation of your computer.

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There are two types of video game scenes - the ones that are manually created and those that are automatically generated. If you are looking for the good stuff, then you should try to find the auto scene ones. These are the ones that are pre-made by the creators themselves. They can be found in the "Add Ons" section. You can also find auto scene generators in the Internet. These auto scene creators will take a bunch of photos, models, designs, textures, and particles from the Internet and turn them into League of Legends themed scenes.


If you do not really like the random images in the Internet, you might want to use the in-game scene switch option. The in-game scene switch works similar to the auto scene generator; it will take a bunch of images in your computer and convert them into the format used by the League of Legends in-game interface. You will then be able to select which scene you would like to play. To switch your favorite in-game scene, just right-click on the image and then select "scene switch".


All the information that you need about the new feature is all over the Internet. This is why it is very important to understand the new feature of the Rift in order to be able to take full advantage of the new technology that is now available to everyone. There are still some aspects of the Rift that are still being worked on, but the overwhelming majority of them can be found in the new League of Legends video game. By using the in-game scene switch and having access to the newest technological advancements, you will be able to enjoy the best experience possible.

Thank you for reading, If you want to read more articles about how to stream league of legends do check our blog - Busrecords We try to write the site every day

How To Add A Printer To Windows - A Few Tips

How to add a printer in Windows is one of the most popular questions that is being asked online. It is important to know how to add a printer if you want to be able to connect your new printer with your computer. If you have just got your computer or have purchased your computer, you will first need to install drivers on your system. There are several ways to do this, such as by downloading driver updates which can be found online or by going into your Control Panel - Systems and Administrative Tools and checking for updates. If you don't have drivers, your system may not be able to print from your printer.

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how to add a printer windows 8


Once drivers have been installed, you can start editing your printer's properties. Every printer has a different property list in your control panel. Open the properties dialog box, locate your printer and click on its name in the list of printers. You will then see several items, including the" Printing Options", "Printer Name" and "Settings".


The "Printing Options" item is used to get more information about your printer. It will show you various options like whether you want to automatically print in color, black and white, and if you want to set the default display size of your document. Some printers allow you to change the size of your documents by using different document sizes, which is very useful if you often print very large documents.

How to Add a Printer to Windows - A Few Tips


Another option you'll find when learning how to add a printer in Windows is the "Scan Options". This is the section where you can specify how you want your scanned documents to look. You can either have a black and white preview or full-color (sepia or color) preview. You can also specify if you want your images to be printed or copied directly from the scanner. By default, if you don't change anything in this section, your images will be copied directly to the printer's hard drive.

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The "Settings" item is the last part of how to add a printer in windows. In here, you need to enter in your printer's details, along with its driver information. This includes drivers for your printer's LCD screen, front-facing digital LED printer, Ethernet adapter, scanner, and so on. To make sure your printer is working properly, it's always a good idea to run Driver Detective once you've added it. Driver Detective will let you know if there are any issues with your printer's software or hardware.

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After you've learned how to add a printer in windows, you also need to learn how to connect your printer to your network. Once your printer is connected, you're done! To do that, you should go to "Control Panel" and click on "Network devices". On the left side of the window, there is a list of all the network devices that are hooked up to your computer. You'll see the "Printer" icon and click on it.


If you have an older printer, you may need to enter in some specific information. On older printers, you'll see a Wireless Network Connection icon, or sometimes a default button for a wireless printer connection. Look for it, and click on it. Once you've done that, you can now plug in the printer into the network.


That's all you need to know on how to add a printer in windows. If everything was as simple as that, we'd all be out of jobs by now. However, printer services aren't that cheap, and if you want to be really economical about printing, you might want to consider purchasing a USB printer instead. These are fairly inexpensive, and print just as well as their optical counterparts.

Thank you for checking this article, If you want to read more articles about how to add a printer windows 8 do check our site - Busrecords We try to update the site bi-weekly

How To Install Eac3 Codec Formx Player On Your X-Box

how to install eac3 codec for mx player

A recent breakthrough by Cisco Systems Incorporated in the networking field has paved the way for companies to easily add the XDCam, Realtek codecs and Realtime Transport Server components that they need for their network infrastructure to the ones used in their PCs. This is a great move for companies that are looking forward to improving the quality of the audio and video streams that they get from their servers. The addition of these models improves the video and audio quality of the videos and audio streams that come from the servers and can be decoded by hand by the computers. The new technology also allows for the transport of the data packets as well as the protocols involved in the transport of the same to the computers that host them in the network infrastructure.


The addition of XDCam and Realtek in the various software and hardware packages that are available for Microsoft Windows XP operating systems is one of the features that help the users to enjoy high quality audio and video with their computing hardware. The XDCam component is embedded in the Win32 engine of the OS and is responsible for decoding AC97 encoded files. Realtek is an application platform that is used in the multimedia system of Windows. With the help of Realtek, users can easily convert any video or audio file into different formats by using Microsoft Windows Media Player. How to install eac3 codec for mx player with the help of these components is very easy.


The first thing that you need to do is to download and install the XDCam driver from the Microsoft website. Then download and install the Realtek codec. Next, launch the player - Windows XP Home Edition - and connect the audio and video devices that you want to stream. You can either connect the audio output using the optical audio cable or FireWire audio cable to the digital audio input and the video output using the optical video cable. If you are using the FireWire input and the video output, you also need to install the Realtek drivers.

How To Install EAC3 codec Formx Player On Your X-Box


The XDCam player can be connected through the USB port to the computer and the decoded audio stream will appear in the monitor. Similarly, if you are using the Realtek hardware, you need to plug in the corresponding ports and the device will appear on the screen. In order to start the player - Windows XP Home Edition - click Start, then Run and type "msconfig" in the field given. The window should open; look for the General tab and then click on the Hardware Selector drop down list.


You can select the XDCam option and then click OK. In the System Configuration Utility, choose the Installation tab and then click on the Continue button. When you have completed the installation process, launch the player and use the buttons to control it. Now, in order to connect the decoders and the speakers, launch the Control Panel by clicking on Start, then Run and typing "control panel" in the field given. Look for the microphone and speakers icon and check whether they are properly installed.


Furthermore, when you have finished configuring the player, launch it. You can see a message near the software menu; it says "Loading DLL...", if there is a missing DLL file then try to download it. Then press the play button and listen to the audio and video feeds.


Finally, you need to install the Realtek drivers. You can find them by looking at the device manager, under devices, check if you have some of the following devices: Killer Bee, RealTek HDTV, Philips airvideo CD Player, Logitech digital camera and microphones. If not, you need to purchase them. After you have installed the drivers, restart your X-Box and log into your Xbox, by selecting "My Xbox", select "Eject" and then" inserted". The last step of the installation process, when you have successfully turned on the X-Box, you need to test if the decoders and speakers are working well.


How to install EAC3 codec formx player is not that hard. There are many software packages, which offer instructions on how to install the decoders and the speakers. All you need to do is to search the Internet for a good package and then install it. Hope this article helped you.

Thank you for reading, If you want to read more articles about how to install eac3 codec for mx player do check our blog - Busrecords We try to write the blog bi-weekly

Secrets Of The Chinese Lunar Calendar And Zodiac Animal Signs For Your Year Of The Goat

year of the goat

The year of the goat is a very special time for many people all over the world. It is considered to be the "age of wisdom" and the "year of transition". This is also the time when one begins to feel the effects of the changing of the world as we know it. The Year of the Goat symbolizes change and what it means for you and the people around you.

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The Chinese believe that every year has a different meaning, much like the sun signs or the moon phases. This is why they hold such a strong belief in this particular Chinese zodiac animal sign. The goat is the ninth of the twelve-year cycle of celestial animals that appear in the Chinese lunar calendar. According to these beliefs, every quarter will have a different sign representing a different stage in the changing of things in that quarter.


The Chinese lunar calendar is based on the calendar cycle, rather than the solar year, which only refers to a span of approximately 365 days. Because of this, the Chinese New Year can fall anywhere between September and November. In some cultures, this is also the time when many mid-autumn festivals, such as the Autumn Festival, are celebrated. The Chinese goat is associated with many of these traditions, so it's no wonder that the Chinese love compatibility charts are determined by this particular goat.

Secrets of The Chinese Lunar Calendar And Zodiac Animal Signs For Your Year Of The Goat


For the most part, the Chinese people are attached to this particular goat. The animal itself is revered for its intelligence as well as for its endurance. This is why the Chinese value this animal greatly. As mentioned before, the lunar calendar makes predictions about certain events that are based on the Chinese lunar calendar, which goes back almost 4000 years. With this in mind, the Chinese people begin their year by focusing on the changes that take place each and every day.


They believe that the new year must be full of good luck and prosperity for the new year to follow. This is why they look forward to the new year by enjoying the Fall Festival, which is usually marked by abundant farming and planting as well as the new planting of melons and vegetables. The planting of seeds for the new year is considered auspicious, as the sound of the water makes a great noise. Farmers use bells to make this sound and tie them to the end of their horns so that they'd be able to drive the horns over the bed of water as they plow it.


Today, the Chinese believe that the goat which was born inatal magic is the one who will bring them wealth in future. The goat is associated with the dragon, the most popular of the Chinese zodiac signs. For this reason, the Chinese goat is associated with fortune teller and fortune telling, something that you will see is everywhere in Feng Shui practice, even today. The symbol of the year of the goat is very similar to the dragon. Because it is also a symbol of abundance, prosperity and the return to form.


According to traditional Chinese astrology, the year of the goat is a transition year between Summer and Winter, and it can be a time when you need to settle into another phase of your life. The character of this animal sign is extremely stable and does not change too much, which makes it a perfect sign for those who want a stable relationship. It is also a time to let go of old debts and take on new ones. People born in this year of the goat are generous and good natured, always willing to lend a hand. They have a very strong desire to be a part of things, and are always happy to help out.


Chinese astrology zodiac animal sign Pisces is also assigned to this goat-sign and people who are born in this year are often artistic, spontaneous and high-spirited. They will often have a tendency to over-think things and often have problems with making decisions. Pisces is also one of the earth signs and has a green sign in its horoscope. Because it has the characteristic to balance both yin and yang and can easily get side-tracked, they are great at solving problems using their logical thinking and are also very receptive to change.

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How To Refresh Whatsapp Settings On Your Android Smartphone Or Iphone

If you are looking for a way on how to refresh whatsapp settings on your smartphone, you have come to the right place. If you already have an account, you can skip to the "reset password" step below. If you're new to this service or do not have an account, continue reading on. I will tell you how to get back your erased Contacts, as well as how to get OMA files working again.

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how to refresh whatsapp


How to refresh contacts on your smartphone What you need to know in the first place is that if you're wondering how to refresh contacts on your iPhone, you may want to do it manually. You can look at various tools that can help you do so. The first thing you should do is go to Settings > General and tap Phone Information. Then, type in your email address, phone number, and any other relevant information. Tap the refresh contacts button to view all of your information, then repeat this process for all the numbers you have on your home screen. If you have Gmail, Contacts, or Yahoo Mail accounts, you can also do this for them.


First, let's say you have an HTC Desire, which has an icon at the bottom navigation bar called "alkah". If you tap it, you will be shown a series of options, one of which is "Contact Provider". Click this. If you have an iPhone, you would tap Settings > General, then tap "Touch Options", then tap Add Contact. You would then have to choose a valid email address in order to successfully refresh your contacts and other apps on your android smartphone.

How to Refresh Whatsapp Settings on Your Android Smartphone Or iPhone


How to refresh whatsapp settings on your smartphone To do this, go to your Google Android app and tap the overflow menu at the top-right. On the overflow menu, tap "refresh contacts" then, in the field for the email address enter your current contact list. You can do this either by typing in your current contact name, or by typing in the full names of your entire contact list. Once you have completed entering your current contact list, tap "OK".


How to refresh whatsapp settings on your android smartphone For this step, you need to go to your Google Android app and tap "Settings". Once you have done so, scroll down until you see the cog icon and then tap on it. You would then have to tap "Verify whether existing contacts are updated". For the next step, you would have to tap "New contacts" then, in the field for the email address enter your current email address. For the last step, you would have to tap "OK". Your Google account will be updated accordingly.


How to refresh whatsapp settings on your iphone device Step 4: To refresh the contents of your profile, tap on "Settings" then, at the bottom of the page, tap on "Google+. ". This will take you to a new page. On this new page, tap on the plus sign and type in your new email address. Tap "OK". This will give access to your Google account.


How to refresh whatsapp settings on your android smartphone How to refresh whatsapp settings on your iphone device When you tap on the + sign, you will be taken to the Gmail account. From there, you can check which contacts have been added or removed. When you tap on any item, you will be taken to the person's profile. If you want to know how to refresh whatsapp settings, you need to tap on "Get Invites". You can then send other people to invite to your Google account.


How to refresh whatsapp settings on your iphone device After you have sent the invite, you will be able to see the person's profile. You will also see a verification link. Tap on the link to get into the account. As you can see, how to refresh whatsapp settings works for the iPhone and android smartphones.

Thank you for reading, If you want to read more blog posts about how to refresh whatsapp don't miss our homepage - Busrecords We try to update our site every week

How To Write Fluff Content

If you have a desire to become an author then one of the most important skills you will need is how to write fluff. Fluff has a tendency to ruin the momentum of stories because it slows things down. So, if you want to be able to write the kind of stories that will earn you a living from writing, you need to know how to create excitement in your sentences.

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how to write fluff


I think one of the main reasons that many people struggle with writing fluff is they don't realize how much background research their favorite authors do. Research is actually a vital part of any story and if you understand the backgrounds of your characters you will be able to tell more about them. For example, if you're writing fluff about an army called the 40k army you need to give your readers more information about that army. There's going to be a lot of background about how the 40k galaxy came to be, but you shouldn't just throw it at the reader.


First, when you're writing fluff you should use the proper punctuation. Your grammar should be correct and it needs to flow. This is especially important if you're trying to teach someone how to write fluff. The last thing you want is for your reader to have a hard time understanding what you're trying to say. Using grammar check and proper punctuation is a great way to help ensure your words are understandable.

How to Write Fluff Content


When you're looking at how to write fluff, you need to keep it short and simple. Everyone is going to lose interest after a few paragraphs. It's better to try and keep the length around two pages. If you can break it up into smaller scenes instead of one big scene, it will also help the reader understand what's taking place. Each scene should act as its own standalone piece. You can build up the story over the course of a couple of days or maybe even a couple of weeks.


If you're just starting out you don't have to worry about any big details. This is a perfect time to start describing things such as locations and people. Tell them how you got to where you're currently at. However, if you're just trying to teach yourself how to write fiction, then you might want to skip over this part. If you're not going to tell the whole story, it doesn't matter how much you put in.


Learning how to write fluff is going to take some effort on your part. However, this is a very rewarding skill to possess. Writing fiction is a great way to get your creative juices flowing. The only thing holding you back from becoming the next Hemingway or Stephen King is the fact that they're too busy writing books to ever answer your questions. Well, with the information outlined above, you should have no problem writing the questions and needs of your readers.


The trick is to learn how to write a lot of information, but not all of it must be important. After all, the information you write down can be something completely random and just something that you thought up to fill the piece. One example would be if you were writing an article about how to care for fish. All you might need to include are some tips on how to feed the fish, how to keep their aquarium healthy, and how to remove parasites from their bodies.


As you can see, how to write fluff content is all about filling in the blanks. When you're done writing, always have a summary or conclusion to help lure your readers into clicking on your resource box. By creating compelling articles, you will build up your credibility as an author. When they click on that link, you'll be getting paid by the same website!

Thank you for reading, for more updates and articles about how to write fluff don't miss our blog - Busrecords We try to write the site bi-weekly